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[New Feature] Payment Records + Accounting Features are Now Available!


You will now be able to seamlessly manage your company’s finances with our new Payment Records and Accounting functions! The new functions will supplement our current features to provide a comprehensive end-to-end solution to support the Operations and Accounting/Finance team in facilitating trade settlements to close the deals and balancing P/L figures at all levels.

Operations team will be able to tabulate and monitor the expense & income items of each deal, trade and portfolio, and generate invoices with customisable contents in PDF format to be sent to counterparties.

Accounting/Finance team will be able to input bank details and transactions of each trade, and allocate the actual paid/received amount to each invoice to settle the deals.

Expense & Income Tab

Fig 1. Overview of the expense and income items attached to each transaction with the ‘Expenses & Incomes’ tab.


Payment Records Tab

Fig 2 & 3. Overview of the outstanding and settled payment records (invoices) under the ‘Payment Records’ tab.


Bank Details Tab

Fig 4. Overview of the bank details such as bank account numbers under the ‘Bank Details’ tab.


Bank Transaction Tab


Fig 5 & 6. Overview of the unallocated/allocated bank transactions (settlement amount) under the ‘Bank Transaction’ tab.


Click on Managing Physical Trades & Accounting Guide to learn more!

If you have any queries, please drop us an email at and we’ll get in touch shortly.

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